Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Lizard Brain of Impending Parenthood

So the idea was (not mine) to do a drawing every day from Jan. 11 until the Little Samosa gets dropped off by the Baby Industrial Complex.  In the spirit of tapping into the lizard brain of impending parenthood, I don't edit these or censor myself or erase.  So they're pretty rough.  Below are a couple more from January.  A link to the full January gallery is on the left.  February to follow.  Click to expand, as always.

I will delve deeply into this beautiful conversation soon

Monday, April 4, 2011

Yeah, So . . . We're having a baby

I've been doing a drawings a day about being pregnant since Jan. 11.  Here's a sample.  I'll be posting a slide show with more later today and then updating as we go.